Seq-annot ::= { desc { user { type str "Hist Seqalign", data { { label str "Hist Seqalign", data bool TRUE } } }, user { type str "Blast Type", data { { label str "tblastn", data int 4 } } }, user { type str "Blast Database Title", data { { label str "WGS_VDB://JAQMHY01 genomic/9764/GCA_028021215.1", data bool TRUE } } } }, data align { { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 255 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 255 }, { id str "sum_n", value int 2 }, { id str "sum_e", value real { 12257710134709, 10, -53 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 102834124138969, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 45 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 50 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 141482939632546, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 865384615384615, 10, -15 } }, { id str "seq_evalue", value real { 12820636675527, 10, -53 } }, { id str "seq_bit_score", value real { 159073262222903, 10, -12 } }, { id str "seq_total_bit_score", value real { 114347342669609, 10, -11 } }, { id str "seq_percent_coverage", value int 100 }, { id str "seq_percent_identity", value real { 552631578947368, 10, -13 } }, { id str "seq_hspnum", value int 13 }, { id str "seq_align_totlen", value real { 795, 10, 0 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 64, to 115, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2185231, to 2185386, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 218 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 218 }, { id str "sum_n", value int 2 }, { id str "sum_e", value real { 12257710134709, 10, -53 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 88581739830027, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 38 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 44 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 123110236220472, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 844444444444444, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 115, to 159, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2185457, to 2185591, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 401 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 401 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 12820636675527, 10, -53 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 159073262222903, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 84 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 96 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 327834645669291, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 552631578947368, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 258, to 322, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2187198, to 2187392, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { empty other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, int { from 2187393, to 2187479, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 323, to 380, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2187480, to 2187653, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 270 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 270 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 177388318328, 10, -34 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 108612117777729, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 49 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 56 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 175603674540682, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 753846153846154, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 0, to 64, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2184831, to 2185025, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 268 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 268 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 297982701060045, 10, -37 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 107841718625895, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 48 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 53 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 154606299212598, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 842105263157895, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 161, to 217, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2185939, to 2186109, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 256 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 256 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 928173418215932, 10, -36 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 103219323714886, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 48 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 56 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 186102362204724, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 695652173913043, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 15, to 83, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90719264, to 90719470, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 195 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 195 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 569879466861811, 10, -28 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 797221495839279, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 34 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 39 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 115236220472441, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 80952380952381, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 218, to 259, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2186852, to 2186977, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 192 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 192 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 143893293577134, 10, -27 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 785665508561758, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 39 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 53 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 191351706036745, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 541666666666667, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 197, to 259, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90720645, to 90720833, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { empty other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, int { from 90720834, to 90720836, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 260, to 267, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90720837, to 90720860, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 182 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 182 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 223478508538056, 10, -26 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 747145550970023, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 45 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 56 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 186102362204724, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 652173913043478, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 120, to 188, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90720160, to 90720366, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 169 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 169 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 968577365558568, 10, -25 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 697069606100767, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 29 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 41 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 125734908136483, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 630434782608696, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 258, to 303, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90722589, to 90722726, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 155 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 155 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 4963725771011, 10, -21 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 643141665472338, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 36 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 44 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 178228346456693, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 545454545454545, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 282, to 291, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90722902, to 90722931, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 292, to 303, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, empty gi 2438004197 } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 304, to 347, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90722932, to 90723063, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 154 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 154 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 646570514861595, 10, -23 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 639289669713164, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 27 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 29 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 83740157480315, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 9, 10, -1 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 189, to 218, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90720512, to 90720601, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 98 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 98 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 361900158774266, 10, -16 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 423577907199446, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 19 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 23 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 811154855643045, 10, -14 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 633333333333333, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 82, to 101, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90719666, to 90719725, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { empty other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, int { from 90719726, to 90719728, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004197 }, loc { int { from 102, to 110, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90719729, to 90719755, strand plus, id gi 2438004197 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 349 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 349 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 918568519941494, 10, -48 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 1390428842752, 10, -10 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 64 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 68 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 201850393700787, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 853333333333333, 10, -15 } }, { id str "seq_evalue", value real { 918568519941494, 10, -48 } }, { id str "seq_bit_score", value real { 1390428842752, 10, -10 } }, { id str "seq_total_bit_score", value real { 76259602189961, 10, -11 } }, { id str "seq_percent_coverage", value int 100 }, { id str "seq_percent_identity", value real { 853333333333333, 10, -13 } }, { id str "seq_hspnum", value int 7 }, { id str "seq_align_totlen", value real { 425, 10, 0 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004160 }, loc { int { from 256, to 330, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60072066, to 60072290, strand minus, id gi 2438004160 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 321 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 321 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 394269396728803, 10, -44 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 128257296149514, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 61 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 62 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 201850393700787, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 813333333333333, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004160 }, loc { int { from 143, to 217, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60073769, to 60073993, strand minus, id gi 2438004160 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 316 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 316 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 18856159277248, 10, -42 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 126331298269928, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 58 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 63 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 180853018372703, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 865671641791045, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004160 }, loc { int { from 0, to 66, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60077829, to 60078029, strand minus, id gi 2438004160 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 251 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 251 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 436819424240431, 10, -35 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 1012933258353, 10, -10 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 46 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 48 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 138858267716535, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 901960784313726, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004160 }, loc { int { from 67, to 117, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60076779, to 60076931, strand minus, id gi 2438004160 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 225 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 225 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 797753239505182, 10, -32 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 912781368614485, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 43 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 49 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 149356955380577, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 781818181818182, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004160 }, loc { int { from 116, to 170, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60076105, to 60076269, strand minus, id gi 2438004160 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 218 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 218 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 614170863490879, 10, -31 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 88581739830027, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 40 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 41 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 115236220472441, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 952380952380952, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004160 }, loc { int { from 218, to 259, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60072696, to 60072821, strand minus, id gi 2438004160 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 216 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 216 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 109918450731342, 10, -30 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 878113406781923, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 46 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 47 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 16248031496063, 10, -12 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 766666666666667, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004160 }, loc { int { from 321, to 380, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60071395, to 60071574, strand minus, id gi 2438004160 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 257 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 257 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 786120017753715, 10, -36 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 103604523290804, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 48 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 55 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 178228346456693, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 727272727272727, 10, -15 } }, { id str "seq_evalue", value real { 786120017753715, 10, -36 } }, { id str "seq_bit_score", value real { 103604523290804, 10, -12 } }, { id str "seq_total_bit_score", value real { 470243706409303, 10, -12 } }, { id str "seq_percent_coverage", value int 77 }, { id str "seq_percent_identity", value real { 727272727272727, 10, -13 } }, { id str "seq_hspnum", value int 6 }, { id str "seq_align_totlen", value real { 33, 10, 1 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004196 }, loc { int { from 18, to 83, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64157163, to 64157360, strand plus, id gi 2438004196 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 234 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 234 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 628432482462354, 10, -33 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 947449330447047, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 49 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 67 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 259593175853018, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 505154639175258, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004196 }, loc { int { from 119, to 188, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64159380, to 64159589, strand plus, id gi 2438004196 } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004196 }, loc { int { from 189, to 192, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, empty gi 2438004196 } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004196 }, loc { int { from 193, to 215, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64159590, to 64159658, strand plus, id gi 2438004196 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 179 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 179 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 597043388479687, 10, -26 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 735589563692502, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 31 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 39 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 120485564304462, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 704545454545455, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004196 }, loc { int { from 216, to 259, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64162239, to 64162370, strand plus, id gi 2438004196 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 171 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 171 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 578585357186267, 10, -25 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 704773597619114, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 29 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 39 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 123110236220472, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 644444444444444, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004196 }, loc { int { from 259, to 303, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64163415, to 64163549, strand plus, id gi 2438004196 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 156 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 156 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 423541308202096, 10, -23 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 646993661231511, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 30 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 37 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 125734908136483, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 652173913043478, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004196 }, loc { int { from 301, to 346, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64164984, to 64165121, strand plus, id gi 2438004196 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 152 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 152 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 107750554289844, 10, -22 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 631585678194817, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 26 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 30 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 88989501312336, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 8125, 10, -4 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, gi 2438004196 }, loc { int { from 187, to 218, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64161202, to 64161297, strand plus, id gi 2438004196 } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 255 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 255 }, { id str "sum_n", value int 2 }, { id str "sum_e", value real { 138363858486051, 10, -54 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 102834124138969, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 45 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 50 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 141482939632546, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 865384615384615, 10, -15 } }, { id str "seq_evalue", value real { 144731226119162, 10, -54 } }, { id str "seq_bit_score", value real { 159073262222903, 10, -12 } }, { id str "seq_total_bit_score", value real { 114347342669609, 10, -11 } }, { id str "seq_percent_coverage", value int 100 }, { id str "seq_percent_identity", value real { 552631578947368, 10, -13 } }, { id str "seq_hspnum", value int 13 }, { id str "seq_align_totlen", value real { 795, 10, 0 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 64, to 115, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2185231, to 2185386, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 218 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 218 }, { id str "sum_n", value int 2 }, { id str "sum_e", value real { 138363858486051, 10, -54 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 88581739830027, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 38 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 44 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 123110236220472, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 844444444444444, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 115, to 159, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2185457, to 2185591, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 401 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 401 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 144731226119162, 10, -54 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 159073262222903, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 84 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 96 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 327834645669291, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 552631578947368, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 258, to 322, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2187198, to 2187392, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { empty other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, int { from 2187393, to 2187479, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 323, to 380, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2187480, to 2187653, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 270 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 270 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 200252370148164, 10, -37 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 108612117777729, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 49 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 56 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 175603674540682, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 753846153846154, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 0, to 64, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2184831, to 2185025, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 268 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 268 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 336390483391864, 10, -37 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 107841718625895, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 48 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 53 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 154606299212598, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 842105263157895, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 161, to 217, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2185939, to 2186109, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 256 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 256 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 104780815703198, 10, -35 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 103219323714886, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 48 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 56 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 186102362204724, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 695652173913043, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 15, to 83, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90719264, to 90719470, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 195 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 195 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 643332745997606, 10, -28 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 797221495839279, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 34 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 39 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 115236220472441, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 80952380952381, 10, -14 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 218, to 259, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 2186852, to 2186977, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 192 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 192 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 162440082632534, 10, -27 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 785665508561758, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 39 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 53 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 191351706036745, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 541666666666667, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 197, to 259, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90720645, to 90720833, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { empty other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, int { from 90720834, to 90720836, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 260, to 267, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90720837, to 90720860, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 182 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 182 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 252283247475031, 10, -26 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 747145550970023, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 45 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 56 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 186102362204724, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 652173913043478, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 120, to 188, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90720160, to 90720366, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 169 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 169 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 109341987653508, 10, -24 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 697069606100767, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 29 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 41 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 125734908136483, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 630434782608696, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 258, to 303, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90722589, to 90722726, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 155 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 155 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 56035135784563, 10, -22 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 643141665472338, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 36 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 44 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 178228346456693, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 545454545454545, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 282, to 291, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90722902, to 90722931, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 292, to 303, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, empty genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 304, to 347, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90722932, to 90723063, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 154 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 154 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 729908707007093, 10, -23 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 639289669713164, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 27 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 29 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 83740157480315, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 9, 10, -1 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 189, to 218, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90720512, to 90720601, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 98 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 98 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 408546432113644, 10, -16 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 423577907199446, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 19 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 23 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 811154855643045, 10, -14 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 633333333333333, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 82, to 101, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90719666, to 90719725, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { empty other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, int { from 90719726, to 90719728, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } }, loc { int { from 102, to 110, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 90719729, to 90719755, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000002" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 349 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 349 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 10369652578906, 10, -46 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 1390428842752, 10, -10 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 64 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 68 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 201850393700787, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 853333333333333, 10, -15 } }, { id str "seq_evalue", value real { 10369652578906, 10, -46 } }, { id str "seq_bit_score", value real { 1390428842752, 10, -10 } }, { id str "seq_total_bit_score", value real { 76259602189961, 10, -11 } }, { id str "seq_percent_coverage", value int 100 }, { id str "seq_percent_identity", value real { 853333333333333, 10, -13 } }, { id str "seq_hspnum", value int 7 }, { id str "seq_align_totlen", value real { 425, 10, 0 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } }, loc { int { from 256, to 330, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60072066, to 60072290, strand minus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 321 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 321 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 445087827180597, 10, -44 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 128257296149514, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 61 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 62 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 201850393700787, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 813333333333333, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } }, loc { int { from 143, to 217, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60073769, to 60073993, strand minus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 316 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 316 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 212865797632638, 10, -43 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 126331298269928, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 58 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 63 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 180853018372703, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 865671641791045, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } }, loc { int { from 0, to 66, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60077829, to 60078029, strand minus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 251 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 251 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 493122240829628, 10, -35 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 1012933258353, 10, -10 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 46 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 48 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 138858267716535, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 901960784313726, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } }, loc { int { from 67, to 117, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60076779, to 60076931, strand minus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 225 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 225 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 900577774850422, 10, -32 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 912781368614485, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 43 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 49 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 149356955380577, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 781818181818182, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } }, loc { int { from 116, to 170, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60076105, to 60076269, strand minus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 218 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 218 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 693332978457915, 10, -31 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 88581739830027, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 40 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 41 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 115236220472441, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 952380952380952, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } }, loc { int { from 218, to 259, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60072696, to 60072821, strand minus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 216 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 216 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 124086131992442, 10, -30 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 878113406781923, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 46 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 47 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 16248031496063, 10, -12 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 766666666666667, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } }, loc { int { from 321, to 380, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 60071395, to 60071574, strand minus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000033" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 257 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 257 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 887445116228094, 10, -36 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 103604523290804, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 48 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 55 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 178228346456693, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 727272727272727, 10, -15 } }, { id str "seq_evalue", value real { 887445116228094, 10, -36 } }, { id str "seq_bit_score", value real { 103604523290804, 10, -12 } }, { id str "seq_total_bit_score", value real { 470243706409303, 10, -12 } }, { id str "seq_percent_coverage", value int 77 }, { id str "seq_percent_identity", value real { 727272727272727, 10, -13 } }, { id str "seq_hspnum", value int 6 }, { id str "seq_align_totlen", value real { 33, 10, 1 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } }, loc { int { from 18, to 83, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64157163, to 64157360, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 234 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 234 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 709432815403813, 10, -33 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 947449330447047, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 49 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 67 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 259593175853018, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 505154639175258, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } }, loc { int { from 119, to 188, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64159380, to 64159589, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } }, loc { int { from 189, to 192, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, empty genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } } }, { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } }, loc { int { from 193, to 215, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64159590, to 64159658, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 179 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 179 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 673997897670336, 10, -26 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 735589563692502, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 31 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 39 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 120485564304462, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 704545454545455, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } }, loc { int { from 216, to 259, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64162239, to 64162370, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 171 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 171 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 653160761664899, 10, -25 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 704773597619114, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 29 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 39 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 123110236220472, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 644444444444444, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } }, loc { int { from 259, to 303, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64163415, to 64163549, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 156 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 156 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 478132673123921, 10, -23 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 646993661231511, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 30 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 37 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 125734908136483, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 652173913043478, 10, -15 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } }, loc { int { from 301, to 346, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64164984, to 64165121, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } } } } } }, { type partial, dim 2, score { { id str "score", value int 152 }, { id str "blast_score", value int 152 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 121638809616663, 10, -22 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 631585678194817, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 26 }, { id str "comp_adjustment_method", value int 2 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 30 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 88989501312336, 10, -13 } }, { id str "pc_ident", value real { 8125, 10, -4 } } }, segs std { { dim 2, ids { other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 }, genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } }, loc { int { from 187, to 218, strand unknown, id other { accession "NP_001815", version 2 } }, int { from 64161202, to 64161297, strand plus, id genbank { accession "JAQMHY010000003" } } } } } } } }