
Please email help requests or bug reports to Before submitting a bug report, please ensure you are using ElasticBLAST version 1.2.0. If not, please kindly upgrade your installation, as the issue you are running into may have been already addressed.

Please also see the troubleshooting pages:

Please help the development team help you:

  • When reporting problems, please provide us with:

    • Your configuration file and command line invocation

    • The ElasticBLAST logfile (elastic-blast.log by default)

    • The output of elastic-blast status --verbose --cfg YOUR_CONFIG_FILE

    • Your system’s information and ElasticBLAST working files, i.e. the output of the commands below and the elastic-blast-diagnostics.tgz file. It is OK if any of these commands fail ;)

uname -a
python3 -m sysconfig

# For GCP only
gcloud info
gsutil ls -lr ${YOUR_RESULTS_BUCKET}
gsutil -qm cp -r ${YOUR_RESULTS_BUCKET}/logs .
gsutil -qm cp -r ${YOUR_RESULTS_BUCKET}/metadata .
tar czf elastic-blast-diagnostics.tgz logs metadata

# For AWS only
aws sts get-caller-identity
aws configure list
aws s3 ls --recursive ${YOUR_RESULTS_BUCKET}
aws s3 cp --recursive ${YOUR_RESULTS_BUCKET}/logs logs
aws s3 cp --recursive ${YOUR_RESULTS_BUCKET}/metadata metadata
tar czf elastic-blast-diagnostics.tgz logs metadata
  • If the Auto-shutdown feature is not enabled, always run elastic-blast delete after/before every ElasticBLAST search.

  • Consider using the unix screen (wikipedia, man page) tool to capture the output of your usage of ElasticBLAST and attaching the session log to your problem report.

Thanks! :)

Please see also the list of known issues in AWS and GCP.