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A concise summary of the five best matches from well-studied reference species, showing phylogenetic relationships based on multiple sequence alignment and conserved protein domains. Additionally, more matches from the the non-redundant BLAST databases are included as "Additional BLAST Hits".
Query: Q9NRA1.2 RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C; Short=PDGF-C; AltName: Full=Fallotein; AltName: Full=Spinal cord-derived growth factor; Short=SCDGF; AltName: Full=VEGF-E; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, latent form; Short=PDGFC latent form; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, receptor-binding form; Short=PDGFC receptor-binding form; Flags: Precursor ... Query length: 345 aa
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform X1 factor C isoform X1 [Danio rerio] ...
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform X1 [Danio rerio] >ref|XP_689054.3| platelet-derived growth factor C isoform X1 [Danio rerio]
343 aa protein
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform 1 precursor factor C; Short=PDGF-C; AltName: Full=Fallotein; AltName: Full=Spinal cord-derived growth factor; Short=SCDGF; AltName: Full=VEGF-E; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, latent form; Short=PDGFC latent form; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, receptor-binding form; Short=PDGFC receptor-binding form; Flags: Precursor [Mus musculus] >gb|AAF22516.1| fallotein [Mus musculus] >gb|AAK58566.1| platelet-derived growth factor C [Mus musculus] >gb|EDL15444.1| platelet-derived growth factor, C polypeptide, isoform CRA_c [Mus musculus] >dbj|BAC28455.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus] >dbj|BAC31358.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus] ...
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform 1 precursor [Mus musculus] >sp|Q8CI19.2| RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C; Short=PDGF-C; AltName: Full=Fallotein; AltName: Full=Spinal cord-derived growth factor; Short=SCDGF; AltName: Full=VEGF-E; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, latent form; Short=PDGFC latent form; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, receptor-binding form; Short=PDGFC receptor-binding form; Flags: Precursor [Mus musculus] >gb|AAF22516.1| fallotein [Mus musculus] >gb|AAK58566.1| platelet-derived growth factor C [Mus musculus] >gb|EDL15444.1| platelet-derived growth factor, C polypeptide, isoform CRA_c [Mus musculus] >dbj|BAC28455.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus] >dbj|BAC31358.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus]
345 aa protein
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform 2 ...
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform 2 [Mus musculus]
275 aa protein
Query: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C; Short=PDGF-C; AltName: Full=Fallotein; AltName: Full=Spinal cord-derived growth factor; Short=SCDGF; AltName: Full=VEGF-E; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, latent form; Short=PDGFC latent form; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, receptor-binding form; Short=PDGFC receptor-binding form; Flags: Precursor ...
RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C; Short=PDGF-C; AltName: Full=Fallotein; AltName: Full=Spinal cord-derived growth factor; Short=SCDGF; AltName: Full=VEGF-E; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, latent form; Short=PDGFC latent form; Contains: RecName: Full=Platelet-derived growth factor C, receptor-binding form; Short=PDGFC receptor-binding form; Flags: Precursor
345 aa protein
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform X1 th factor C isoform X1 [Homo sapiens] ...
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform X1 [Homo sapiens] >ref|XP_054206486.1| platelet-derived growth factor C isoform X1 [Homo sapiens]
310 aa protein
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform X2 ...
platelet-derived growth factor C isoform X2 [Homo sapiens]
334 aa protein


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Best hits producing significant alignments
Select for downloading or viewing reports Description Max score Total score Query cover E value Ident Accession
637 637 88% 0.0100.00% XP_016863944.1
632 632 97% 0.087.20% NP_064355.1
452 452 93% 2e-15964.40% XP_021330008.1
637 637 88% 0.099.67% XP_047271925.1
523 523 79% 0.088.69% NP_001344675.1