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A concise summary of the five best matches from well-studied reference species, showing phylogenetic relationships based on multiple sequence alignment and conserved protein domains. Additionally, more matches from the the non-redundant BLAST databases are included as "Additional BLAST Hits".
Query: ACK76299.1 Der f 7 allergen [Dermatophagoides farinae] ... Query length: 213 aa
mite allergen Der p 7 ...
mite allergen Der p 7 [Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus]
215 aa protein
Chain A, Maltose-binding periplasmic protein fused with Allergen DERP7 llergen DERP7 [synthetic construct] >pdb|3H4Z|C Chain C, Maltose-binding periplasmic protein fused with Allergen DERP7 [synthetic construct] ...
Chain A, Maltose-binding periplasmic protein fused with Allergen DERP7 [synthetic construct] >pdb|3H4Z|B Chain B, Maltose-binding periplasmic protein fused with Allergen DERP7 [synthetic construct] >pdb|3H4Z|C Chain C, Maltose-binding periplasmic protein fused with Allergen DERP7 [synthetic construct]
568 aa protein
Group 7 mite allergen-like protein (lipopeptide binding protein) ...
Group 7 mite allergen-like protein (lipopeptide binding protein) [Euroglyphus maynei]
199 aa protein
mite allergen Der f 7 r f 7 allergen [Dermatophagoides farinae] >gb|KAH9493886.1| Mite allergen Der f 7 [Dermatophagoides farinae] ...
mite allergen Der f 7 [Dermatophagoides farinae] >gb|KAH7644226.1| der f 7 allergen [Dermatophagoides farinae] >gb|KAH9493886.1| Mite allergen Der f 7 [Dermatophagoides farinae]
213 aa protein
Query: Der f 7 allergen ...
Der f 7 allergen [Dermatophagoides farinae]
213 aa protein
RecName: Full=Mite allergen Der f 7; AltName: Full=Allergen Der f VII; AltName: Allergen=Der f 7; Flags: Precursor struct] ...
RecName: Full=Mite allergen Der f 7; AltName: Full=Allergen Der f VII; AltName: Allergen=Der f 7; Flags: Precursor [Dermatophagoides farinae] >gb|AAB35977.1| allergen Der f 7 [Dermatophagoides farinae] >dbj|BAG49573.1| mite allergen Der f 7 [synthetic construct]
213 aa protein


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