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A concise summary of the five best matches from well-studied reference species, showing phylogenetic relationships based on multiple sequence alignment and conserved protein domains. Additionally, more matches from the the non-redundant BLAST databases are included as "Additional BLAST Hits".
Query: P35225.2 RecName: Full=Interleukin-13; Short=IL-13; Flags: Precursor ... Query length: 146 aa
interleukin-13 precursor Full=Interleukin-13; Short=IL-13; AltName: Full=T-cell activation protein P600; Flags: Precursor [Mus musculus] >gb|AAA40149.1| T cell secreted protein [Mus musculus] >gb|AAI52855.1| Interleukin 13, partial [synthetic construct] >gb|EDL33575.1| interleukin 13 [Mus musculus] ...
interleukin-13 precursor [Mus musculus] >sp|P20109.1| RecName: Full=Interleukin-13; Short=IL-13; AltName: Full=T-cell activation protein P600; Flags: Precursor [Mus musculus] >gb|AAA40149.1| T cell secreted protein [Mus musculus] >gb|AAI52855.1| Interleukin 13, partial [synthetic construct] >gb|EDL33575.1| interleukin 13 [Mus musculus]
131 aa protein
Query: RecName: Full=Interleukin-13; Short=IL-13; Flags: Precursor ...
RecName: Full=Interleukin-13; Short=IL-13; Flags: Precursor
146 aa protein
interleukin-13 isoform 1 precursor leukin-13; Short=IL-13; Flags: Precursor [Homo sapiens] >gb|AIC49053.1| IL13, partial [synthetic construct] >emb|SJX26726.1| unnamed protein product, partial [Human ORFeome Gateway entry vector] >gb|AAH96139.1| Interleukin 13 [Homo sapiens] >dbj|BAG73312.1| interleukin 13, partial [synthetic construct] ...
interleukin-13 isoform 1 precursor [Homo sapiens] >sp|P35225.3| RecName: Full=Interleukin-13; Short=IL-13; Flags: Precursor [Homo sapiens] >gb|AIC49053.1| IL13, partial [synthetic construct] >emb|SJX26726.1| unnamed protein product, partial [Human ORFeome Gateway entry vector] >gb|AAH96139.1| Interleukin 13 [Homo sapiens] >dbj|BAG73312.1| interleukin 13, partial [synthetic construct]
146 aa protein
interleukin-13 isoform b terleukin-13 isoform b [Homo sapiens] >ref|NP_001341922.1| interleukin-13 isoform b [Homo sapiens] >gb|AIC59049.1| IL13, partial [synthetic construct] >emb|SJX44718.1| unnamed protein product, partial [Human ORFeome Gateway entry vector] >gb|AAH96138.1| IL13 protein [Homo sapiens] ...
interleukin-13 isoform b [Homo sapiens] >ref|NP_001341921.1| interleukin-13 isoform b [Homo sapiens] >ref|NP_001341922.1| interleukin-13 isoform b [Homo sapiens] >gb|AIC59049.1| IL13, partial [synthetic construct] >emb|SJX44718.1| unnamed protein product, partial [Human ORFeome Gateway entry vector] >gb|AAH96138.1| IL13 protein [Homo sapiens]
81 aa protein


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