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A concise summary of the five best matches from well-studied reference species, showing phylogenetic relationships based on multiple sequence alignment and conserved protein domains. Additionally, more matches from the the non-redundant BLAST databases are included as "Additional BLAST Hits".
Query: ADR83176.1 Unknown protein, partial [synthetic construct] ... Query length: 418 aa
Cell death protein 3 subunit p17 tein 3 subunit p17 [Caenorhabditis elegans] ...
Cell death protein 3 subunit p17 [Caenorhabditis elegans] >emb|CBK19388.1| Cell death protein 3 subunit p17 [Caenorhabditis elegans]
287 aa protein
caspase-23 949.1| Zgc:171731 protein [Danio rerio] >gb|AWP39904.1| caspase 23 [Danio rerio] ...
caspase-23 [Danio rerio] >gb|AAI51949.1| Zgc:171731 protein [Danio rerio] >gb|AWP39904.1| caspase 23 [Danio rerio]
446 aa protein
caspase-4 isoform 1 ame: Full=Caspase-4; Short=CASP-4; AltName: Full=Caspase-11; Short=CASP-11; AltName: Full=Protease ICH-3; Contains: RecName: Full=Caspase-4 subunit p10; Contains: RecName: Full=Caspase-4 subunit p20; Flags: Precursor [Mus musculus] >emb|SJL87938.1| unnamed protein product [Yeast expression vector pGAD-mCASP-11] >emb|SJL88347.1| unnamed protein product [Mammalian expression vector pCAGGS-mCASP-11] >emb|SJL88349.1| unnamed protein product [Mammalian expression vector pCAGGS-mCASP-11a] >emb|SJL88375.1| unnamed protein product [Vector pGEM-mCASP-11] >gb|EDL09318.1| caspase 4, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase, isoform CRA_a [Mus musculus] ...
caspase-4 isoform 1 [Mus musculus] >sp|P70343.2| RecName: Full=Caspase-4; Short=CASP-4; AltName: Full=Caspase-11; Short=CASP-11; AltName: Full=Protease ICH-3; Contains: RecName: Full=Caspase-4 subunit p10; Contains: RecName: Full=Caspase-4 subunit p20; Flags: Precursor [Mus musculus] >emb|SJL87938.1| unnamed protein product [Yeast expression vector pGAD-mCASP-11] >emb|SJL88347.1| unnamed protein product [Mammalian expression vector pCAGGS-mCASP-11] >emb|SJL88349.1| unnamed protein product [Mammalian expression vector pCAGGS-mCASP-11a] >emb|SJL88375.1| unnamed protein product [Vector pGEM-mCASP-11] >gb|EDL09318.1| caspase 4, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase, isoform CRA_a [Mus musculus]
373 aa protein
Query: Unknown protein, partial ...
Unknown protein, partial [synthetic construct]
418 aa protein
caspase-5 isoform f ...
caspase-5 isoform f [Homo sapiens]
447 aa protein
caspase-5 isoform a precursor Caspase-5; Short=CASP-5; AltName: Full=ICE(rel)-III; AltName: Full=Protease ICH-3; AltName: Full=Protease TY; Contains: RecName: Full=Caspase-5 subunit p20; Contains: RecName: Full=Caspase-5 subunit p10; Flags: Precursor [Homo sapiens] ...
caspase-5 isoform a precursor [Homo sapiens] >sp|P51878.3| RecName: Full=Caspase-5; Short=CASP-5; AltName: Full=ICE(rel)-III; AltName: Full=Protease ICH-3; AltName: Full=Protease TY; Contains: RecName: Full=Caspase-5 subunit p20; Contains: RecName: Full=Caspase-5 subunit p10; Flags: Precursor [Homo sapiens]
434 aa protein


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Select for downloading or viewing reports Description Max score Total score Query cover E value Ident Accession
863 863 100% 0.098.80% NP_001129584.1
397 397 89% 8e-13653.85% NP_031635.2
196 196 60% 8e-5743.87% NP_001103182.1
104 104 57% 5e-2430.19% NP_001255709.1
863 863 100% 0.098.80% NP_004338.3