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A concise summary of the five best matches from well-studied reference species, showing phylogenetic relationships based on multiple sequence alignment and conserved protein domains. Additionally, more matches from the the non-redundant BLAST databases are included as "Additional BLAST Hits".
Query: WP_010890595.1 outer surface protein OspC [Borreliella burgdorferi] >sp|Q07337.1| RecName: Full=Outer surface protein C; Short=pC; AltName: Full=P23; Flags: Precursor [Borreliella burgdorferi B31] >gb|AIZ73050.1| bbb19 [Cloning vector 5A4 NP1] >gb|QER90714.1| OspC [Suicide vector pMC3752] >gb|AAA16058.1| outer surface protein C [Borreliella burgdorferi] >gb|AAC66329.1| outer surface protein C (OspC) [Borreliella burgdorferi B31] >gb|AAM22467.1| outer surface protein C [Borreliella burgdorferi] ... Query length: 210 aa
Query: outer surface protein OspC ll=Outer surface protein C; Short=pC; AltName: Full=P23; Flags: Precursor [Borreliella burgdorferi B31] >gb|AIZ73050.1| bbb19 [Cloning vector 5A4 NP1] >gb|QER90714.1| OspC [Suicide vector pMC3752] >gb|AAA16058.1| outer surface protein C [Borreliella burgdorferi] >gb|AAC66329.1| outer surface protein C (OspC) [Borreliella burgdorferi B31] >gb|AAM22467.1| outer surface protein C [Borreliella burgdorferi] ...
outer surface protein OspC [Borreliella burgdorferi] >sp|Q07337.1| RecName: Full=Outer surface protein C; Short=pC; AltName: Full=P23; Flags: Precursor [Borreliella burgdorferi B31] >gb|AIZ73050.1| bbb19 [Cloning vector 5A4 NP1] >gb|QER90714.1| OspC [Suicide vector pMC3752] >gb|AAA16058.1| outer surface protein C [Borreliella burgdorferi] >gb|AAC66329.1| outer surface protein C (OspC) [Borreliella burgdorferi B31] >gb|AAM22467.1| outer surface protein C [Borreliella burgdorferi]
210 aa protein
huntingtin-interacting protein 1-related protein isoform X1 ...
huntingtin-interacting protein 1-related protein isoform X1 [Mus musculus]
927 aa protein
huntingtin-interacting protein 1-related protein isoform X2 ...
huntingtin-interacting protein 1-related protein isoform X2 [Mus musculus]
926 aa protein
huntingtin-interacting protein 1-related protein ing protein 1-related protein; Short=HIP1-related protein [Mus musculus] >dbj|BAE27341.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus] ...
huntingtin-interacting protein 1-related protein [Mus musculus] >sp|Q9JKY5.2| RecName: Full=Huntingtin-interacting protein 1-related protein; Short=HIP1-related protein [Mus musculus] >dbj|BAE27341.1| unnamed protein product [Mus musculus]
1068 aa protein


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Select for downloading or viewing reports Description Max score Total score Query cover E value Ident Accession
37.0 37.0 40% 0.1228.87% XP_006530432.1
36.6 36.6 40% 0.1928.87% XP_006530433.1
36.2 36.2 40% 0.2228.87% NP_659507.3