
The ElasticBLAST command line interface supports the commands listed below.

The application's exit codes are documented here.


Submits an ElasticBLAST search.

For additional details, please run elastic-blast submit --help.


Checks the status of an ElasticBLAST search. This will not return proper results until the submit command has completed successfully.

Once the search is in progress and as long as there are no failures, this command prints the number of BLAST jobs in the following phases of processing:


Jobs are scheduled and waiting to run.


Jobs are running.


Jobs that have successfully completed.


Jobs that have failed.

When the search is done, this command prints the message: "Your ElasticBLAST search succeeded, results can be found in ....".

When at least one job fails, this command prints "Your ElasticBLAST search failed".

Notably, the status command supports the --exit-code command line option, which changes the application's exit code to indicate the status of an ElasticBLAST search. Please see Exit codes for elastic-blast status --exit-code for details.

For additional details, please run elastic-blast status --help.


Deletes cloud resources created by ElasticBLAST, except its results, if any.

For additional details, please run elastic-blast delete --help.


Produces a summary of the ElasticBLAST execution in JSON format.

For additional details, please run elastic-blast run-summary --help.