Auto-shutdown feature

This feature enables ElasticBLAST to monitor its status and shutdown cloud resources in the event of failures or successful search completion. Please follow the instructions below to enable it on your user or service account. You only need to do this once per user or service account.

Please keep in mind that not enabling this feature requires you to invoke "elastic-blast delete" to avoid incurring charges after ElasticBLAST has completed its operation or failed.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

This feature requires to have the roles/container.admin added to your user, group, or service account. The script below (provided with ElasticBLAST) can help you set this up. Invoking it as follows will display its online help: -h

By default, the script assumes you are using your personal user account, but if you are using a service account (e.g.: the output of gcloud config get-value account ends in, you will need to specify its -u argument. For instance, invoke the command below replacing SVC_ACCT with the appropriate value: -u serviceAccount:SVC_ACCT

This script is a wrapper around the command gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding. Please see the GCP documentation for additional details.

If this operation fails, you may need to ask your GCP account administrator to run the aforementioned script on your behalf. If this is not possible, setting the ELB_DISABLE_AUTO_SHUTDOWN and ELB_DISABLE_JOB_SUBMISSION_ON_THE_CLOUD environment variables to any value will disable the auto-shutdown feature.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

This feature requires an AWS role with the necesary permissions to manage cloud resources on your behalf. This role can be created with the script below, which is included in the ElasticBLAST distribution:

The script will create a role named ncbi-elasticblast-janitor-role. You can get information about this role via the script and delete it with