Using ElasticBLAST with Spot and Preemptible Instances

Discounted instances allow you to run ElasticBLAST at a fraction of the full (on-demand) cost. On AWS, you can use spot instances with a floating price. These rates vary by region and instance type. On GCP, you can use preemptible instances

In Table 3 of our ElasticBLAST article, we show that ElasticBLAST runs well with discounted instances and costs less than on-demand instances.

How to request discounted instance

You can request a spot (AWS) or preemptible (GCP) instance with ElasticBLAST by adding a line to your configuration file in the cluster section. See the example below. You use the same keyword (“use-preemptible”) for both AWS and GCP. You can read more about the Use preemptible nodes configuration variable.

use-preemptible = yes

What happens if the discounted instance is terminated?

If the discounted instance is terminated, ElasticBLAST will bid on a new instance and restart your batches (i.e., your BLAST searches). No action will be required on your part.

You will lose a minimal amount of time if the instance is terminated. ElasticBLAST works through your queries in batches and saves the results of a batch to a cloud bucket (S3 in AWS or GCS in GCP), so only the work for the currently running batch will be repeated. According to AWS Spot Instance Advisor page, the average frequency of interruption across all regions and instances is less than 5% (accessed July 24, 2023).

What type of instance is used?

ElasticBLAST selects the same instance type for you that it normally would for an on-demand instance. ElasticBLAST selects the instance based on your database size and the program, so we think this is still the best way to run your searches efficiently.

You may specify another instance type if you want by using the Machine type configuration variable. We do not recommend this.